Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Blogs go political - Catch the local story!

A lot of people are talking about how bloggers have influenced the political scene this week. It was bloggers that kept Howard Dean's campaign alive. It was bloggers that blew the cover on Dan Rather and CBS's story using false documents about Pres. Bush. A student from Dr. Allen's class linked to a story about how impactful bloggers have been this year. In our own class, Jared and Caroline have been doing some political blogging, in fact it sometimes has gotten a little heated! And blogs can get that way, for better or worse--but discussion is important and blogging may be just one more way to discuss ideas.

In case you are interested, KSL radio is airing a story on Friday morning about this issue. It will probably be on their website later that day (and did I mention you can add an RSS feed for KSL to your aggregators?) :-)