Saturday, October 02, 2004

Educational technology in conference

O.K., so it's a little cliched by now. Every professor at BYU asks you to watch conference and look for evidence of ____________ (whatever your class topic is about). For me, my professor wants me to watch conference and look for evidence of evaluation.

Well, I know it's cliche but I'm going to ask you to do the same thing with our class. What things did you notice that might apply to technology in education? I just watched Elder Miller talk about Neal A. Maxwell's counsel about how to bring peace. Do you remember how he had images and video clips of Elder Maxwell play while he was talking? Do you also remember how he showed a clip of Elder Marion Romney when he read a quote from Elder Romney? I don't know about you, but didn't that help his message stick in your memory a little better? Didn't it make it more enjoyable to listen to him and easier to be engaged in what he was teaching? I also was thinking it would be even better if when the leaders of the Church quoted a former prophet, if they actually played the audio clip of that leader talking. That way we could have heard Elder Romney's actual voice. I know there are time constraints, but it's just a thought.

In what other ways does the Church use educational technologies to help teach the gospel message (there are many, so you should be able to think of several). I look forward to hearing your ideas!