Friday, October 29, 2004

Remember the focus!

I'm grading your lesson plans, and have been pleased with some of the really creative ideas you've had! One thing I have noticed, however, is most of you are listing things like "make a powerpoint," or "make a website," etc. as your learning outcomes. Is that really what your purpose for the lesson is? I hope not! Your purpose should be to teach science, math, history, or something, and the technology should be a resource, not a learning outcome. I know that it's easy to lose that focus in our class because we talk about technology so much, but we should always keep it in context. Remember the "mindtools" article?

Anyway, I'm not really docking points for it, so don't worry - but I do hope that for the rest of the semester, you can always remember that technology is a possible means to a learning end ... not the end itself.

On another note, Erin had this interesting post about class management:
"One of the biggest challenges with using technology in the classroom is keeping the students on task and out of sites they shouldn’t be looking at. (I subbed in a high school technology class this spring and was shocked by the amount of time the students spent doing anything except their assigned work. The Instant Messaged each other, emailed their friends, checked out movie and song websites and played computer games. I am not entirely sure how to combat that however, I am sure that the teacher CANNOT sit behind his/her desk and trust the students to stay on task. The allure to get off task is far too high if they are left to themselves!) "