Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Copyright and Fair Use

First off, if you missed class yesterday, you need to jump on the ball soon and join a group. I talked to Jared today, and Jared, how about being in the Flexible Copyright group? I also emailed a couple of other students. If you haven't heard from me and missed on Monday, email me and then I'll assign you to a group. Do this quickly so your group doesn't do all the work (and get all the points).

By the way! All groups should have their names listed on their group wikis so if a newbie joins your group, he/she can contact you. Remember that you can email anyone in this class through Blackboard.

If you need links to this week's assignment, here they are:
This week's assignment - http://msed.byu.edu/ipt/west/a_Ethics.html
Our class ethics wiki - http://ipt.byu.edu/~wiki/28x/Fall04s3/Technology-RelatedEthicalIssues

Here are some other resources that you might be interested in and that might help you study up on your topics for this week:

My PowerPoint slides on copyright/Fair Use - I used to teach ethics lecture style before we decided to let you teach yourselves as a group. These slides have condensed some of the basic info that we taught down into one presentation

Copyright Jeopardy! - test your knowledge of copyright and fair use by skimming through this jeopardy game.

Article on Technology cheating - good article about how to prevent kids using technology to cheat.

Have fun this week learning about the ethical use of technology!