Sunday, September 05, 2004

A high school blogsite

I've never seen this before, but I thought I'd pass it along to you. Turns out a high school has made its website a giant, massive blog! Yes, it's true! Notice how on every page it says when it was posted. At first, I thought, "weird!" Then I thought, "Way good idea." Think about it. With blogs,
  • Any teacher could be a webmaster and add things to the website. It's so easy. If you were assigned to make a post on the school website, you could easily do it.
  • Even students could be assigned to post information on the school website.
  • The trademark timestamp that is characteristic of blogs instantly tells everyone how old each page of the website is. This is helpful to know when you are judging how accurate and current the material is. Don't we wish EVERY page of EVERY website had a timestamp on it?
What other benefits would you see from this? Now let's take it a step further: What would be the advantage of a class weblog? How could this be a good thing?