Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Answering some questions

I met with a few students yesterday, and thought I might answer a few questions that they had here on my blog in case anyone else had the same question.

Remember that each group does two wiki pages -- and ALL members of the group work on each page. You only have to outline what you want to do this week. You actually make the wiki pages next week. For these page, you can do 2 description pages (describing a technology, like Inspiration) or two integration pages (describing how to use Inspiration in a class), or one of each.

Some students worried that all the pages were taken up for what they wanted to do. To clarify, only one group can do a description page on a technology. For example, if someone else is explaining Excel, what it is, and so forth--why would you want to do that? There's only so much you can say. However, there are hundreds of different ways to apply Excel to school situations. So there could be hundreds of Excel Integration pages. If someone is already doing an Excel integration page, and you want to, just make a new link to a new page and do it!

Remember that if you don't understand wikis (for example, you don't know what I was talking about when I said, "make a new page"), then go to the wiki sandbox and learn! Here's the link to the sandbox:

Go there and at the bottom of the screen are some brief directions on how to write and create in wiki. I'll give only one tip here. If, when you're typing, you mash two words together, like this: "RickWest," it will create a new page and link to that page. It's that easy!