Friday, September 24, 2004

Blogs in social studies

Okay, so I'm a loser without cable, so I'm listening to this very exciting BYU football game and blogging on my computer.

My colleague in my department and another IPT 286 instructor, Rich Culatta, blogged today about how he is reading the newspapers less and is instead getting his news from blogs and wikis. While he admits that these sources are not necessarily always accurate, they do have the benefit of being to the point and directly from the source. For example, if you want to know about the situation in Iraq, would you rather read a newspaper reporter's spin on it, or read about it from an Iraqi who is blogging about what is happening in his backyard?

This makes me think that blogging could be a powerful tool in a social studies or foreign culture class. Instead of just reading about Spain, or Palestine, why not have your students find kids their age in those countries, and then read their blogs? Learn about the people FROM the people, not from a third-party source.

Anyway, in case you wanted to check them out, Rich posted a few blogs from Iraq. I want to look them up when I get a chance.

* Iraqi Blogs (BBC)
* US Soldier Blogs (CNN)
* Convention Blogs (CNN)