Monday, September 20, 2004

What good technology integration is

Thank you all for your insightful ideas about what constitutes good technology integration that you posted last week. We are grading the intro to technology integration assignment still, but here is my list of Principles for Good Technology Integration, gleaned from all of your postings (yes, I read everybody's "rules"). This might be worth clipping and saving and then pulling out to remind yourself every summer before you charge into a new school year.

I've linked to each blog that provided the idea. If none of your ideas are listed here, don't be disappointed. Many people had the same good idea, but I only linked to one student, just because it was easier.

Principles for Good Technology Integration
  1. Always keep trying new things, do not remain stagnant on your own techniques. Keep integrating new tools every year.
  2. Integration should help students prepare for the workforce by educating them in adapting to new technologies
  3. Technology integration should enhance cognitive learning through added interaction among students and applying knowledge to create something using technology
  4. Technology should help create higher thinking skills and critical analysis
  5. Students should be the main users of the technology (as opposed to the teacher); teachers should be available to give examples and guide the students, but students will learn (the technology and the subject) best if they are the primary users of the technology.
  6. Teachers should understand the subject-matter to be taught, as well as the technology/programs being used before they attempt teaching
  7. Be creative- enough powerpoints, already!
  8. I think all of us agree it is most important that the technology that we use has to increase the child's learning. It can't be a hinderance to the learning process.
  9. Technology should understand that some students won't respond to technology and computers and should provide a variety of learning activities at all times.
  10. Assess students’ acheivments and what they are learning through a variety of technology techniques.
  11. A tool is only as good as the person behind it - technology should be used to help the students think, not to avoid thinking
  12. Technology should be interactive: students should be able to respond to the material.
  13. Just because a technological tool is there, doesn't necessarily mean that it adds to the educational experience
  14. As an educator, take advantage of every opportunity to learn more; study different techologies, improve your own skills, and constantly work to get better
  15. Using tehnology should not replace the need for improvement or interaction from the actual teacher
  16. Technology should help students see and experience the real world that a traditional classroom setting cannot provide by helping students construct knowledge instead of just reproducing it
  17. Activities involving technology should build on what the students already know so that they can see its relevance and application, but it should also offer something they wouldn't get from regular classroom activities in order to expand their learning experience