Monday, September 20, 2004

This week's assignments

Whew! Today was definitely a cognitive overload day. I could tell it on your faces, and I'll definitely be adjusting the schedule for the future. Sorry about that everyone--what was I thinking introducing html AND wikis in the same week?

The consolation to you should be that while the cognitive load is very heavy this week (i.e. there is a big learning curve this week for what we're doing), the actual workload is light. The assignments really are easy. So spend your homework time trying to figure out how to work a Wiki and how to do your blogrolls (if you haven't).

To summarize, there are two things due this week. I won't describe the assignments in detail because we've described them in detail on the assignment pages. If you have questions, however, write them as comments here and I will answer them within 24 hours.

Due this week:
1) Blogrolls — Post your digital resources to your blogrolls so your blogging buddies can see the sources you've found. The purpose of this assignment is also to get your feet briefly wet in HTML: what it looks like and how to write in this language. You should have done most of this in class.

2) Outline your wiki pages — Learn how to wiki, what the wiki language is (which is different from html), and decide as a group what wiki pages you will do. This is described, again, in much more detail on the assignment page. The important thing that I think lacked in many groups today is you didn't coordinate when you would meet, or call, or email, or whatever to set this up. You have to somehow communicate as a group and decide what wiki pages you want to do, and outline them very briefly on our class wiki website.

BTW- Many of you, it seemed, did not even look at the assignment page for the intro to technology integration assignment. How come? We basically gave you the specifics on how to do the assignment and get your points. We do that each week, so I encourage you to follow the rubric and you will probably have fewer questions and more points.

Double BTW — I have office hours but nobody ever comes! I can visit with students Mondays from noon to 2 p.m. or Wednesdays from noon to 2 p.m. All I ask is that you email me beforehand and then I'll meet you in the computer lab. If those times don't work, suggest another day and I'll meet you then, if I can. I want to help you this week because I know there was a lot of confusion, so just email me or post a question on my blog and I'll help you, if I can.