Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Ask and ye shall receive ...

Remember how a week ago the question was brought up in class why when you read something in Bloglines, it disappears when you go back there? I explained that this is a good feature to keep only new, unread stuff in your aggregator so you don't fill it up with a bunch of old stuff. But I agree there are times when you want to save something for later, and not have it immediately disappear when you log out.

Now you can do something about it.

Bloglines just introduced a new feature tonight that you should be able to read about the next time you log into Bloglines. To quote them:

"When reading your feeds, at the bottom of each entry is a checkbox labeled Keep New. Check it and that entry is marked unread, and will stay that way until you uncheck the box. This is useful for entries that you decide you don't have time to read right now, but that you don't want to save in your Clippings folder. You can also use the mark all new link that appears at the top of each feed in the right pane when reading subscriptions to reset all the currently displayed items to unread."

So if you check this box, it will not erase a post you want to go back and reread later. Too cool! That's what I love about Bloglines. There are many different brands of aggregators out there, but Bloglines is continually trying to fix things to make their customers happy.